In emergencies or caesarean sections, one of our team members will be at the delivery. Otherwise, you will meet one of our consultants within the first 24 hours after birth. We will ask about your pregnancy and relevant history that may indicate further investigations for your baby. We will perform a head-to- toe examination to ensure your baby does not have any underlying issues.
Occasionally, an Obstetrician will request the opinion from a Paediatrician and one of our team members will meet with the parents before the baby delivers.
Further follow up in hospital depends on the individual requirement of every baby. All babies get a discharge check prior to going home. This is an excellent opportunity to ask any question you may have.
When you make a clinic appointment for your baby, please bring the purple book and Medicare number.
Your GP referral usually gets faxed to us. Our reception staff will inform you if we need you to bring a copy. Please bring your baby’s purple book.