Neonatal Paediatrics

Neonatology is a subspecialty of paediatrics that is mainly concerned with medical care of newborn infants and follow up to the age of approximately 12 months. Neonatologists are Paediatricians who did at least 3 additional years of training in neonatal intensive care units, learning about critically ill newborns and their management. They are experts in conditions such as prematurity, low birth weight, intra uterine growth restriction, birth defects, infections, lung problems and birth asphyxia.

Their expertise extends to the care of “normal” babies in maternity units and follow up in a clinic setting. Many parents find the adjustment to the challenges of the newborn baby difficult. Babies often develop difficulties with feeding, crying and settling, poor sleep patterns, vomiting and loose bowel movements. Gastro-oesophageal reflux, milk allergy and lactose intolerance are often proposed as the underlying causes. Infants occasionally have difficulties with attachment and separation.

Our Neonatal Paediatricians are trained to differentiate between normal and abnormal baby behaviour and to exclude any underlying pathology. We are committed to provide parents with appropriate advice and support during this challenging period. We collaborate closely with midwives, lactation consultants and child health nurses.  We endeavour to empower parents to better understand their babies’ needs in modern society where information overload.

We follow up babies who delivered at SJOG Murdoch but take GP referrals of all babies with the following problems:

  • Unsettled baby
  • Colic
  • Gastro oesophageal reflux
  • Poor feeding
  • Poor weight gain
  • Vomiting
  • Abnormal bowel movements
  • Hip assessment
  • Developmental concerns
  • Parental concern

Neonatal Paediatric FAQs

A Neonatologistis trained specifically to handle the most complex and high-risk situations.

If your newborn is premature, or has a serious illness, injury, or birth defect, a neonatologist may assist at the time of delivery and in the subsequent care of your newborn. If a problem is identified before your baby is born, a neonatologist may become involved to consult with your obstetrician in your baby’s care during your pregnancy.

Yes. It is not routinely done, but please ask your obstetrician to arrange a meeting, if necessary. During this visit, we will answer any questions that you have about our practice or your new child.

Your child should not only see our team for an illness. The well-care visit or check-up at 6 weeks provides the best opportunity for the doctor to observe the progress of your child’s physical, mental growth and development. It is also an opportune time to discuss any concerns about feeding or other problems.

No. You may elect to see your GP. However, the 6-week specialist appointment often revolves around issues that your specialist is most familiar with.

Neonatologists follow babies until they are 12 months old.

Our team is happy for you to transition to one of our General Paediatricians

To request an appointment, please call 08 9313 5649